
Raspberry Update – The 2016 Invasion

06/04/2016 TimberGardener 0Comment

In 2015 I posted that you should never purchase raspberries because they are probably invading someone else’s home and garden. I didn’t expect it to happen to me so soon, but I had sprouts coming up that fall. Now they are coming up in the path, in the former rhubarb bed, anywhere they want. I have given raspberry starts to three friends already this year.

Sneaky raspberries, coming up from underneath the raspberry bed.
They can’t be stopped, only given away. Next year I should be able to give away some yellow raspberry starts! We’ll see if they are as voracious. The photo below is actually IN the raspberry bed, but it gives you an idea of just how many starts come up in the spring! I can’t wait for raspberries this year!
